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PDA was instructed by ISG on behalf of the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust to act as planning consultants for the proposed enhancement and refurbishment of the Hospital’s East Wing.


The Hospital occupies an expansive site extending to 7.1ha to the south of the Thames and bounded by Lambeth Palace Road and Westminster Bridge Road. The East Wing occupies a central position in the hospital. It is a 13-storey tower built in 1966 and containing over 200 beds together with clinical offices, teaching facilities and other ancillary plant and stores. It had been suffering from water ingress problems, excessive solar gain and inadequate lift capacity.


The proposed development comprises the installation of a new glazed skin over the west elevation, installation of two new bed lifts and creation of two new atria over existing courtyards, creation of new accommodation at 11th floor level within the existing building envelope, re-cladding of existing escape stairs, new plant screens at roof level and extension to existing flues. These improvements are designed to solve the functional issues associated with the existing building as well as improving the aesthetic impact of the wing given its prominent position opposite the Houses of Parliament.


PDA, working with Hopkins Architects, sought to ameliorate concerns relating to the East Wing’s sensitive location, including its proximity to the Houses of Parliament which are a UNESCO World Heritage site, listed buildings as well as its location within the Lambeth Palace Conservation Area. Lambeth Council supported the proposal on the grounds that it had been sufficiently demonstrated that the proposed alterations to the East Wing of the hospital would ‘not seek to compete with neighbouring listed buildings’ and planning permission was granted in July 2012.

Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, Lambeth

Planning & Development Associates Ltd is registered in England & Wales, no. 7728535

Copyright Planning & Development Associates Ltd 2017


Image Credit: Hopkins Architects

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