Passivhaus Permission in Kilburn

February 2015

Planning & Development Associates Ltd is registered in England & Wales, no. 7728535
Copyright Planning & Development Associates Ltd 2015

PDA is excited to report that planning permission has been obtained for the erection of 2 buildings, one part 4 and part 5 storey and the other part 2, part 3 and part 5 storey, to provide 14 self-contained flats (Class C3) including vehicular access via an undercroft in the building, roof terraces and landscaping in Kilburn High Road.
The proposed scheme will be built to Passivhaus standards and results in 32% improvement in carbon emissions and has been developed in accordance with the Energy Hierarchy ‘Be lean, be clean, be green’.
PDA acted as planning consultant for Studio 246 Media Ltd and teamed up with architects Inside Out Architecture and sustainability consultants, Fabric Building Physics.
Alan Gunne-Jones, Managing Director, commented:
"This scheme represents PDA's second successful planning application for a Passivhaus compliant scheme in London, which brings high sustainability credentials to new residential developments."
Alan Gunne-Jones | T: 0207 1010 789 |
Image Credit: Inside Out Architecture