The signs are that 2013 will be equally challenging and fluid as greater powers through the Infrastructure and Growth Bill will allow Inspectors to initiate costs awards and assess viability and affordable housing requirements. Further relaxation of permitted development entitlements can also be anticipated, and further streamlining of Government planning guidance (following the recommendations of the Lord Taylor Review) and the form and content of planning applications are likely.
Our objective at PDA for the coming year is therefore to be ‘fleet of foot’ to ensure that our clients can take full advantage of these further changes in the planning system and process, and help to get development moving. The Practice has some exciting projects in the pipeline.
We look forward to being of service in 2013.
PDA Planning Year in Review
December 2012
Planning & Development Associates Ltd is registered in England & Wales, no. 7728535
Copyright Planning & Development Associates Ltd 2015
Alan Gunne-Jones
T: 0207 1010 789 |
As 2012 draws to a close, Planning & Development Associates (PDA) can reflect on yet another year of notable achievements. This year the Practice has advised on development proposals in 41 different local authorities nationally, and secured over 40 planning permissions - three of which were approved on the same night!
These have been gained within the context of a challenging and constantly changing planning climate. The challenges of embracing the localism agenda have seen PDA involved in an increasing number of community engagement events; whereas the Government’s de-regularisation and growth agenda has led to the Practice challenging planning contributions and affordable housing requirements in order to maintain development viability. Challenges, whether through appeal or to the High Court, are becoming a tool increasing used by clients as they become frustrated at the outcomes of both applications and appeals.